Today August 1 2016
I think I want to carry my life forward whether anyone but God is watching or not. God is always watching me, and I want to always watch God, set my eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
Re: other people, love is the #1 priority.
After that, I want to stay focussed on my inner guidance system. I so often compromise my own practical good for the sake of keeping the peace.
About the election, I need to not be engaged, except for to pray and fast.
When Roe v Wade was decided, people who loved the unborn said that God would judge us. Pooh pooh, the choice people said.
A few years ago when the Supreme Court said that an individual's right to decide for oneself what the truth is, what the meaning of life is--established this radical autonomy right, First Things magazine, and I in concurrence, said that this was the end of democracy. Others said Pooh, pooh.
I studied Jeremiah and Isaiah. Yes, it can happen.
A few years ago, our church made a radical reversal on following the scriptures to not following the scriptures on the household commandments.
What we can do is be faithful to our calling, as far as we can, with whatever is under my/our/the reader's own purview; and can be faithful to pray and intercede and support (as did Jeremiah and Isaiah) those who are over us in God's lines of authority.
And we can stay in the Lord, in the Lord's armor, and live quiet lives as much as it is in one's own ability.